Elizabeth Nilsen

Elizabeth (Liz) Nilsen (MBA) is senior program director of the Agile Strategy Lab at Purdue University. Her background includes leadership of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) initiatives at local, regional, and state levels, as well as work with a number of higher education change initiatives. Her nonprofit experience includes program design and management, fundraising, operations, and executive leadership. Liz has authored a number of research articles as well as publications for organizations seeking to address issues of community vitality.
Forum November 9
Strategic Doing Masterclass (Session 2) - HILTON
Only for participants with MASTERCLASS tickets
Strategic Doing Masterclass teaches people how to form collaborations quickly, move them toward measurable outcomes and make adjustments along the way. In today’s world, collaboration is essential to meet the complex challenges we face.
Conference November 8
Strategic Doing
It is a new strategy discipline that is lean, agile and fast—just what companies, organizations, communities and regions need to survive and thrive.
Conference November 8
Strategic Doing Masterclass (Session 1) - HILTON
Only for participants with MASTERCLASS tickets.
Strategic Doing Masterclass teaches people how to form collaborations quickly, move them toward measurable outcomes and make adjustments along the way. In today’s world, collaboration is essential to meet the complex challenges we face.