
Andrei Horhoianu

Enel X

Andrei Horhoianu has an overall experience of 12+ years in engineering and operations. Before starting his career at Enel X, Andrei held various technical positions in Romania and abroad.  

Since January 2018, Andrei is Head of Operations & Engineering Department for B2B Enel X business unit, leveraging his extensive experience and know-how in project management and operational excellence. He oversees managing the operational activities of the department in order to achieve the business objectives of Enel X. 

Andrei has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Energy & Power Engineering from Politehnica University of Bucharest and a PhD Degree in Microgrid.

12:00-12:45 Panel 4

Forum November 9

The future role of energy in Manufacturing. Energy Security

Energy security—the continuous availability of energy in varied forms, in sufficient quantities, and at reasonable prices—has many aspects. It means limited vulnerability to transient or longer disruptions of imported supplies. It also means the availability of local and imported resources to meet, over time and at reasonable prices, the growing demand for energy. Political, environmental challenges, liberalisation and deregulation, and the growing dominance of market forces all have profound implications for energy security.