
1 day / 50 Speakers
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October 17, 2024

Xanthi Bampoula

Business Development and Innovation Manager, EIT Manufacturing CLC SOUTH-EAST

Xanthi Bampoula is the Business Development and Innovation Manager at EIT Manufacturing South East, where she plays a pivotal role in driving growth and fostering innovation within the manufacturing sector. In her current position, Xanthi is responsible for developing strategic partnerships, exploring new market opportunities, and promoting innovative solutions that enhance the competitiveness of the manufacturing ecosystem in South East Europe.

With a strong background in business development, Xanthi focuses on connecting industry stakeholders, startups, and research institutions to facilitate the adoption of cutting-edge technologies. She works closely with partners to identify and implement innovative projects that address key challenges in the manufacturing industry, including sustainability, digital transformation, and advanced production techniques.

Xanthi’s expertise in innovation management and her ability to bridge the gap between research and industry make her a key player in EIT Manufacturing’s mission to strengthen the region’s industrial landscape. Her efforts contribute to fostering collaboration, boosting the adoption of new technologies, and supporting the development of a more sustainable and resilient manufacturing sector.



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