
1 day / 50 Speakers
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October 17, 2024

Valentin Negoiță

Valentin Negoiță is the president of APDETIC (Asociația Producătorilor și Distribuitorilor de Echipamente pentru Tehnologia Informației și Comunicațiilor), an organization that represents the IT&C sector in Romania.

Under his leadership, APDETIC focuses on promoting the digitalization of education, encouraging the integration of technology in various sectors, and supporting the development of the digital economy. Valentin has been actively involved in advocating for the improvement of digital infrastructure and the adoption of new technologies, aiming to enhance Romania’s competitiveness on both European and global levels.

Throughout his career, Valentin has been a strong supporter of public-private partnerships that foster innovation and technological development. He plays a key role in organizing industry events, conferences, and educational programs aimed at promoting digital skills among young people and professionals alike. His efforts contribute significantly to creating a more connected and technologically advanced society in Romania, addressing the needs of both businesses and the education sector.



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