
1 day / 50 Speakers
Awesome and great speakers

October 17, 2024

Mihai Daraban

The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR)

Mihai Daraban is the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR), an institution that represents the interests of the business community in Romania. In this capacity, he is responsible for promoting and supporting the development of the commercial and industrial sector in Romania, having a significant influence on the country’s economic and trade policies.

Mihai Daraban has been involved in various initiatives aimed at supporting Romanian enterprises, both nationally and internationally. Under his leadership, the CCIR has conducted numerous professional training programs, organized trade fairs and exhibitions, and facilitated dialogue between the business environment and the government. Through these activities, he has established a reputation as an influential and dedicated leader committed to improving the business environment in Romania.

Additionally, Mihai Daraban is known for his ability to navigate the complexities of international relations, successfully establishing strategic partnerships that benefit the Romanian economy. These qualities recommend him as a visionary leader, capable of bringing innovation and propelling Romania onto the global economic and commercial stage.



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