
1 day / 50 Speakers
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October 17, 2024

Corneliu Bodea

Since 2014, Corneliu Bodea has held the position of President of the Romanian Energy Center (CRE)

a non-governmental organization active in the energy sector, with activities both in Romania and in Brussels. CRE represents the interests of the main players in the Romanian energy sector and facilitates communication with relevant European counterparts, while also providing a European platform for dialogue in the energy industry.

With extensive experience in the energy field, managing complex activities and over 1500 employees, Corneliu aims to contribute to the development initiatives of the Romanian entrepreneurial environment and to actively support economic, ecological, and social sustainability. He believes it is the responsibility of everyone, businesses and individuals alike, to conduct our activities without exhausting available resources and without destroying the environment, thus being able to meet the needs of future generations.

Providing support for purchasing and outsourcing activities, including commercial negotiations and validations. Developing analysis, reports and statistics concerning automotive suppliers Tier 1, 2 and 3 related to various products, commodities and services.

Coordinator of the national pavilion at international automotive industry fairs. Member in the board of ACAROM and The Romanian Automotive Partnership. Member of the Liaison Committee of ACEA – European Automobile Manufacturers Association



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