
1 day / 50 Speakers
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October 17, 2024

Cătălin Deacu

Catalin Deacu celebrates 17 years in the press, 7 of which in the newsroom of TVR News. Before working at Stiri, Catalin was a reporter for four years at the Production Department of another television station.

“During those four years, I mainly dealt with reports and documentaries. Before this experience, I worked for almost two years for another television station as an investigative journalist”. In total, out of the 17 years in the press, 13 years were in television journalism. And he spent the first four years working in the print media, at one of the oldest and most important economic publications. “In 2007, I made my debut in the press at this newspaper, that’s the first certainty! The second is that I will retire from this job as well :)”



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