
1 day / 50 Speakers
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October 17, 2024

Andrei Luchici

I am a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science for Business Management and the executive director of the Center for Research in AI (CRAI) at the Romanian-American University in Bucharest, Romania.

In my work I integrate mathematics, computer science, complex adaptive systems, and neuroscience to build autonomous systems that are effective and safe to work alongside people. I specialize in using multi-agent systems to analyse emergent behaviours and the interplay of algorithmic and human decision-making on a large
scale within various socio-economic contexts. My expertise extends to using computational methods and statistical modelling to study socio-economic and biological systems. With a solid commitment to the societal impacts of technology, I am dedicated to developing ethical AI strategies that enhance collaboration between humans and machines and address critical challenges related to safety and security.

My journey into AI commenced with a mechanical engineering degree from King’s College London. I advanced to a PhD in Computational Biomechanics at University College London. There, I employed mathematical modelling and computer vision to decode the mechanical attributes of cellular movements in live fruit fly embryos.

The academic sphere called me back in 2021, following a seven-year stint in entrepreneurship and consulting during which I built and managed different data-driven systems.



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