
1 day / 50 Speakers
Awesome and great speakers

October 17, 2024
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Join the FACTORY 4.0 Manufacturing Investment Forum, where top experts, leading technology companies, investors, innovative startups, government officials, and representatives of professional associations will come together to shape the future.

Panel 1

Investments & Industrialization

Investments and digital industrialization reshape global economies and industries, exploring their impact, challenges, and future prospects.

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Panel 2

Energy for Industry

Energy fuels industrial processes, with its relationship to industry spanning efficiency, cost, sustainability, and technological innovation.

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Panel 3

AI & Machine Learning

AI and Machine Learning drive advancements across sectors like industry, healthcare, and finance, with profound implications.

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Panel 4

Quantum Cybersecurity

Quantum cybersecurity applies quantum mechanics to safeguard communication against potential threats from quantum computing.

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Panel 5

Robotics & Automation

Robotics and logistics automation revolutionize industries, transforming global supply chains and consumer interactions.

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Panel 6

Research & Technology

Research and technology transfer drive societal advancement, bridging innovation and practical application to fuel industries’ growth.

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Panel 7

Education 4.0: The Concept

Represents a paradigm shift in the way we approach teaching and learning, aligning educational practices with the needs and demands of the Industry 4.0.

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Panel 8

Agriculture 4.0 – The Future

Whether you’re interested in drone or funding strategies, this panel offers a comprehensive view from industry pioneers

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Digital Excellence Awards & Gala

Opportunity to recognize outstanding achievements, and the forward-thinking individuals and companies driving the digital revolution across.

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Usefull data

Join the FACTORY 4.0 Investment Forum to explore Romania’s opportunities in AI & Machine Learning, Digital Industrialization, Energy for Industry, Quantum Cybersecurity, Robotics & Logistics Automation, and Research & Technology Transfer.


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